*Tartt's Scientific Approach*

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Henri W. Tartt
Supervising Chemist &
Chief of Microbiology (retired)
City of Cleveland, Ohio

*Life and Social Sciences*
*Science & Religious Discussion*
*Scientific Principles Applied to Controversial Subjects*
*Avenues to Academic Excellence*

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*What are We Worried About?*

Greetings. It is good to be with you again. Why do we worry so often about things one can do nothing about? Good question, and one many of us can't answer. Well, it has a lot to do with our 'Self-Protection Systems.' "What do I mean?' Well, there is a lot of anxiety producing stimuli in our daily lives. We walk around with 'imaginary padlocks and guardrails' encompassing us, like 'Fort Knox!' why? We're afraid of too much unwanted 'information.' We don't want to know any more! We already 'know too much!' 'No news has come to be good news!' But how did we get this way?

We tend to go through life with a 'happy-go-lucky' attitude. It no longer matters what our 'fortunes' may or have not accomplished. The time has come for 'numero-uno' to at last do something memorable. When you were a child or a younger person, didn't you search for a reason or a depth for your beliefs? Didn't we need a good reason for our belief ideology? This is an attempt to assign a value that could justify an almost chaotic need in this faulty world! A need that would ensure some kind of "grace" needed for some 'appropriate' type decision. The urge to find legitimate reason in our lives for meaningful decisions can cause us to at times even "invent God" in critical situations. This factor is also known as "Essentialism." Whether 'God' (in this instance) exists or not may not be individually paramount.

"Essentialism" is a trend or disposition that differentiates itself from all similar others in that it characterizes attributes absolutely essential to oneself, and oneself only. We should never 'exacerbate or magnify' our suffering by trying to push the unattractive or ugly away! Our anxiety isn't deplorable of a sign of weakness. It's just a mysterious justification of participation in a disordered and uncertain world that is sometimes, unclear. Essentialism doesn't justify the right to put on 'armor-all' in order to walk down the street, but one could get 'mowed down' by a random car at any moment. But for most purposes, this isn't going to happen.

People with 'anxiety' disorders usually have recurring intrusive thoughts or substantive other concerns. They may avoid certain situations out of worry or anticipatory panic. They may develop some physical symptoms such as sweating, dizziness, and even rapid heartbeat in light of participation. The person may even feel ill-advised whether to make that final step into a vital lasting relationship. Many things keep us from making important decisions. The human animal is capable of millions (if not more) of regular and irregular responses to traditional diagnostic results. This human animal is privy to many 'uncountable' factors of basic reactions in addition to prognostic medical results.

The human system contains billions of nerves, synapses, and many other basic functions. The Nucleus Accumbens (the pleasure reward center) or the brain inhibits the prefrontal cortex function. (Impulse control) and executive functioning system. MRI scans measure differences in Amygdala function. (The brains fear and response center) So these are "real" Neurological reasons we respond to the stimuli of "worry!" The "Hypothalamic" Pituitary Adrenal Axis" does not 'kick in' fortunately at this point. (Our body's "stress system) So we can temporarily rest.

Worry does not represent some kind of serious disease. As if someone was submitted to some type of chemically oriented illness. One that that immediately 'severs' one from normalcy into a less than die- hard 'cancer bed' sufferer! In general, worry has no good consequences. But in many cases, it can be devastating! Think about the 'End of the World!' what a tragic thought? This world is formerly 'rumored' to end by 'The Big Freeze, -Big Rip, – or Big Crunch!' The 'Big Freeze' details where all numbers of humanity concentrate themselves into a spirally massed form of energy and then starve. The "Big Rip" is when members cannot elastically stretch beyond some devastating point. And the "Big Crunch" is when life's durable elasticity concentrates itself into a state of collapse, and world-annihilation takes place!

With all these ultimate things to 'worry' about why even think in final terms? Some of the more common human arguments also include: (1) "Will I ever find the right person for me?" (2) "Does He or she really love me?" And (3) "Am I getting too old for these pursuits?" It seems, we are never too confident in our basis of personal attraction and longevity quests. Still, 'on we go,' as if nothing negative has ever happened. I remember, even some decades ago, when the average person (then and now) didn't know where "Göbekli Tepe" was? "Do you know where it is?"

"Göbekli Tepe" Is a country in Northeast Turkey. Where excavations uncovered historic items, some weighing in excess of 20 tons. Radio Carbon estimates the age of restored items to about 12,000 years old. This is a time when the industrious character's running our system relegates this time conglomeration to when man was still foraging in the jungles of Africa for feed and nutrients on a daily basis. Much less building a millennium type literary civilization. But then, the people could only 'dream' about our present day rich-like conditions. A reality-check for people still full of questions!

We have many "dreaded dream-type memories" but the 'monsters' of 'Göbekli Tepe' should still frighten us all! Many carvings were of animals not indigenous to the area. During research, no faces were revealed on carvings found of the intelligent life there. The heads on the statues of dignitaries were disfigured, but they had 'long spindly fingers' like present- day ghouls! Do you need to 'worry about something?' Then present people may indeed be the 'Aliens' then living on this planet! People are writing in daily general newspapers and computers about 'older Alien' civilizations. BTW: Are the 'Aliens now trying to be seen?" In much of our daily communication systems, more and more aliens are reported daily.

I think this might be a time of preconceived 'identification!' I remember back in the 1970's when the large space identification lab at 'The Ohio State University' picked up a signal identified as a 'WOW' signal! This signal perpetrated itself as coming from an encrypted intelligent source. As important as this signal was, it still has not been identified to this day! All the way back to the 40's, fifties, sixties, seventies, eighties, nineties, 2000's, up to 2019, we still have no prevalent proof of any extraterrestrial source.

I even remember the Journal writer, 'Dorothy Kilgallen' that mysteriously died on Nov. 8th, 1965 from unforeseen circumstances involving systematic occurrences at 'Rudloe Manor' (and others)in England. A rather mysterious settling ground for unexplained various air phenomenon. Many President's from: Truman, Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, and especially Raegan, who reiterated a desire to dominate the entire space theater, with aerial dominance by The Americas. It was not readily known the dominance may have been attributed to 'a show of force' to the prevalent and 'not seen' dominance of the now 'common' Alien UFO presence. Let alone the presidents such as Bush, Carter, Bush, Obama, and Mr. Trump.

"You still want to worry about something?" Ever heard of 'Teotihuacan? ' It's a rustic Sub-Valley town in Mexico. It has many 'supernatural' elements (even today) that make no sense. It has pyramids with pools of Mercury, Mica, and hundreds of 'Golden Colored Spheres' that theoretically can be used electronically for flight patterns in the sub-zero temperatures in outer space! Its pyramids structure is outlined mathematically exactly like our very own solar system! But we didn't do this! 'They did'… many thousands of years ago! The 'huge' question is…'who or what' were they?' Keep your mind open.

*One More "Quick View"*

Baalbek Lebanon: Contains 3 monolithic stones that weigh in at 1,000 tons or 2 million lbs. each. Puma Punku has 100-ton building blocks scattered around it's plains. The giant Giza Plateau – Egypt, where the great pyramid is built from 2.3 million lime-stone bricks, each weighing 5,000 lbs. each! All over the world, these unexplained phenomena exist! Much of this time in our written history, 'Man' was still chasing wild 'Pigs and berries' in the jungles in Africa. I say these few things because there is so much phenomena one cannot possibly understand at this segment of time. If you 'worry', will we then understand?…No!

Try to 'un-encapsulate' yourselves (continuously) from the chains and bonds you are unknowingly tied to by default! And realize there are things going on that you never even thought of. There are billions of heartbeats and relief breathsyou've never hear of, or notice. There are terrifying accidents that we miss every day by an 'eyelash!' Our ears have now become 'silently sterile!' Unaware and fearful as we are, things certainly seem to happen to someone else all the time.

We've seen a few 'history-changing' messages laid bare from 'Lebanon, Mexico, Turkey, and Egypt.' But nothing 'earthshattering' will happen, and there are ' many more!' So, don't hurray for that imaginary date, or that 'fateful' moment. Sad to say, but 'worry,' will not change a thing. Be careful and stay well.

*Whatever is going to happen will happen, whether one worries about it or not*- Mannor

All the Best,
Henri W. Tartt,
Supervising Chemist &
Chief of Microbiology (Retired)
City of Cleveland, Ohio (USA)
Website:*Tartt's Scientific Approach*

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