*Tartt's Scientific Approach*

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Henri W. Tartt
Supervising Chemist &
Chief of Microbiology (retired)
City of Cleveland, Ohio

*Life and Social Sciences*
*Science & Religious Discussion*
*Scientific Principles Applied to Controversial Subjects*
*Avenues to Academic Excellence*

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Monuments to 'Who?'

Greetings to you. It is good to be with you again. The study this morning is one I have discussed with my children. (All now grown, and leading adult lives elsewhere) But this discussion was about the realization of 'God,' and who he is. (Or isn't) This discussion came about from a term used by a devout Christian lady who did not understand why everyone (in the world) did not agree with her and her assessment of 'God!' Well, I believe that God is an assessment made by the individual self, that oneself determines as to the exact place and time for this particular revelation! The revelation of 'God' came to 'Constantine the Great' on October 27th, 312 AD. When he decided to win the battle of the 'Milvian Bridge' which would win him the throne and change western civilization forever! This was his inspiration! But I wonder, where all these contemporary 'standing racial statues' come from?

Chicago Illinois on December 12th, 2004 at the 'Howard Hughes' Medical Institute' at the University of Chicago. Published a study indicating the sophistication of the Human brain was the result of a 'special event!' (Perhaps an Alien implantation?) about 50,000 years ago, called the 'Big Bang of the Brain' incident. If we 'size this up' with the 'DNA Codex' which is defined as; 'Deoxyribonucleic Acid is a molecule composed of two polynucleotide chains that coil around each other to form a double helix, carrying genetic instruction for the development, function, growth and reproduction of all known organisms. DNA and ribonucleic acid are nucleic acids. Alongside proteins, Lipids, and complex carbohydrates, nucleic acids are one of the four major types of macromolecules that are essential for all known forms of life!' One of the founding Doctors discovering 'DNA,' doubted its 'Earthly origin!'

The world (Itself) offers us much indigenous inspiration! If we look at many still confronting us today: 'The Bermuda Triangle, The Nazca Lines of Peru, The 4,500 years old Pyramids of Giza, Stonehenge at Salisbury England, Area '51' at Roswell New Mexico, Machu Picchu 1530-1911, Easter Islands – Chile 1250 – 1500 AD! Who was there in addition to our earlier ancestors, that were somehow capable of moving stones that weighed in excess of 2,000 tons for over (in some cases) 500 miles! These miracles today still make no sense to a world full of controversial facts and little fiction. So, we still wonder how all this actually happened on this solid Earth!?

But where did we get 'religion' from? The brain has three basic parts: 'The Brainstem, The Cerebellum, and The Cerebrum. 1) The Brainstem: has the pons, the midbrain, and the medulla oblongata. 2) The Cerebellum: forms the hindbrain along with the brainstem. 3) The Cerebrum: is the largest section of the brain divided into two hemispheres (left and right) each of which has four lobes. The frontal, the temporal, the parietal, and the occipital make-up the entire brain. All of this unequaled organic material makes-up and equals the brain and it's indecipherable 'conscience system' I believe all religion comes from the fear of 'death!' This is an emotion, that is existent, in all cultures. And the 'type or name' of the varying religions is unnecessary. In the brain, they're *All the Same!* No matter what 'God' is worshipped, if 'ethereality' is real, (and believers are sincere) it works! Human beings are 'fickle,' and 'right and wrong' have no place in this ('above' human) 'God' decision! (Case closed)

I would remind all of you in the highest academic ladders known to Mans thought process, they have not figured-out where the existence of, or the source of 'The Conscience' comes from! This mental process has yet to be actually determined! But 'no doubt,' it's very 'real!' In my understanding, it's all that differentiates us from other animals on this planet! We continue to fall back upon 'God' for most of our inexplainable attributes, however, it seems we may be lacking in our efforts 'in this area' to understand the facts leading up to 'racism!'

And many are dependent upon 'Man's' ingenuity to decipher hidden meanings. But this one, (the 'conscience') may be just too 'infinite' for our present determinable abilities! … I mean, … 'is there really a 'God?' And, 'can anyone prove it?' Is the 'White Man' a 'god' on 'this' planet? (The normal sense of the word?) And 'why' after all the education, and trials to increase knowledge. We still have all these Confederate statues that represent human 'prejudice' and hatred in the middle of a people with a seemingly 'unlimited' sense of consciousness?

In scrutinizing seemingly emotions, and actions we find traces of intelligence right down to the smallest 'microbes' of Man's existence! But where in this infinite plan of creation does 'White Supremacy' and its statues fit in? During our 'existence' in this country, we have not noticed anything that appears humanly equal to whites! (According to whites) Indeed, humanity itself suffers the most! Of the 20 people brought by 'slave-traders' to this country in 1619, no 'African' to this day, has been quantitatively or psychologically analyzed as an equal to the white race! Especially, in 'their' heads! It seems, the African American people tend to put 'limits' on the white races ability to 'ultimately' destroy himself, 'and everyone else's' lives, worldwide! (Is the human race 'cyclical?')

The African people are now called African Americans! And 'most' (due to mixed breeding) are now also 'genetically related' to promiscuous white people! The color they are, or their looks, are inconsequential. This is a fact, (> 85% of American blacks have white blood!) This phenomenon has been completely overlooked by both whites and blacks alike! Today, genetically, the number of Americans that are totally 'all black or all white' by racial scientific definition has been grossly 'overestimated' by 'average people' of all colors! A white person today with up to about 25% black blood, will not always physically show it! (Especially to other whites) And they will 'not' tell! The racial composition of the average American white, may come into question? Have your 'DNA' tested!

*Science: Your skin is 'not' actually 'Black or White!' Both races live lives of color "exaggeration!" And we 'react' daily to this misunderstanding! 'Hybridization?' during the time of 'Homo erectus 'transforming' into Homo sapiens!' (With less hair) Has 'inculcated' a weather related 'environmental' color and hair difference among the people. There are 'no' biochemical differences! The only other difference among the people is 'cultural!' But these differences have led to the 'undocumented' psychological racial prejudices of today! Dark skin vs light skin has "evolved" into the colors of 'Black vs White!'* (Which is a 'human' scientific impossibility!)

*The dictionary says: White = "Free from color, or 'Light' (not white) pigmentation.' Black = 'Without color?' (Nobody) Or 'Dark' pigmentation! But Henri says: 'African Americans' are 'Negroid,' and some are 'possibly' mixed with 'White, Asian, or Hispanic genetics. In 'skin' coloration, they are 'Dark, to Light 'Brown!' But these people are 'not African,' any more than the source of 'all' other people living here! 'All' the people, 'Ultimately Originated in Africa' too! We are 'all' 100% 'American!' And should be treated as such!*

But if the truth were known, we'd have a serious revolution about race and 'whose who' in this country! And any black person with the same 25% white mixture of blood, is always 100% black! (Scientifically> Millions) We have a serious racial identification problem in this country! Whites are light, (not genetically white) and blacks are brown! (Not genetically black) (According to every University in America) Racial color in this country, is only an 'estimate. The black race 'may' have existed in Africa, (but even in Africa and India, no one is actually black) but the 1619 slave group is now mostly a 'Brown' American, 'non-Hispanic' race that still refers to themselves as 'black!'

Blacks have picked whites cotton, fed their babies, 'had' their babies, fed and clothed them, but they don't consider us their equal! They have removed us from a country laden with promise and replaced it with incomplete opportunity and absolute turmoil! Even from 'Plymouth Rock' white supremacy is the only thing this country was founded on! And they've immortalized statues of the most racist southern bigots they could find to represent them and their financial empire! Many, in my particular family are as light-skinned as many white people! How do you suppose this happened? White promiscuity! And this should not be continually 'covered-up!'

People like 'Nathan Bedford Forrest, (Tenn.) slave trader, John Pelham, (Alabama) slave trader, Edmund Pettis, Grand Dragon KKK, (Even had a bridge dedicated to him in 1940) Joseph Simmons, (N. Carolina) Imperial Wizard KKK, The largest Bas relief in the world, (Mount Rushmore) statues of 'Jefferson Davis, Gens. Robert E. Lee, and Thomas 'Stonewall Jackson' represent this area! There are well over 1,000 statues of this nature in the southern states still standing. Does anyone think this presence isn't a symbol of 'this' country's racist past? If you remember, they stripped the 'religion' from their slaves and even dared them to think they were equal, even after 'converting' ('wildly' in some cases) to the 'white man's religion!' But still, no reprieve!

I wonder sometimes now, if this conversion was worth it? 'God,' it appears to me, is anywhere one looks. But if you go to some 'black churches' and watch some of them 'cut out' and dance over the 'White Man's God', might seem shameful! Some whites never knew anyone's God wanted people to act like that, but it happens! But that's not relevant now. It may be hard to believe today, that 40 of the 50 signers of the 'Declaration of Independence' were also slave owners! Even Thomas Jefferson owned 300 slaves, and had a runaway slave caught and offered an extra ten dollars in the paper to have him beaten with at least 300 lashes! (An unjust punishment) Slaves were often beaten for control! President Abraham Lincoln said: 'We are born more 'different' than any two races on this planet, and that makes it all the more difficult to live together." (Coming from Lincoln, this seems a bit racist!)

And here are a few lynching's in Southern America we still have a record of: 1901- 105, 1902- 85, 1903- 84, 1905- 57, 1906- 62, 1908- 89, 1910- 67. And here are three more: The East St. Louis Massacre 1917- 250 dead. The Arkansas Massacre 1919 -200 dead. And the Tulsa Oklahoma Massacre- 300 dead! But in many school's curriculum, it wasn't even mentioned! The slaves were not allowed to meet together, or even to try and read words, without being beaten! This is only a short biopsy of what happened. Accurate history will show far more.

The slave owners needed lots of land to raise all their cotton and animals, so 'The Indians' had to go! 'The Choctaw' (And many other) Indian tribes were almost wiped out on the 'trail of tears' from Mississippi to Oakland (and other places) and 33% died on various trails and tundra's! Overall, 90 million (or more) Indians lost their lives or were misplaced by the dominant American army and the white 'immigrant' settlers.

At the end of slavery, the white slave owners were given one million dollars each for loss of property, (their slaves) by the 'government!' But 'nothing' was given to the blacks for their 246 years of free slavery! A Mississippi Senator, 'Theodore G. Bilbo' (1934/1947) said: "I call on every red-blooded white man to use any means to keep the 'niggers' away from the poles!" The overwhelming financial success of America, (billions of dollars) came from the revenue earned for them by their slaves! Why isn't this taught in our schools more often? This is still, 'American history!' To 'everyone' with an average (or better) mind, 'Slavery' had to be 'hell!'

2.25 billion pounds of American cotton picked by 4 million slaves, made this country very rich all over the world, and it incorporated many other countries as well! And it was 'free-labor' that supplied this wealth! Lack of this free labor 'doomed' the industry at that time! That's what the 'Civil War' was all about! Enslaving black Americans to work for free (food only) made untold billions of dollars for their labor! But at times, also made 'murderers' out of some slave owners! Just 'follow the money!' In a 'nut-shell,' that was all the 'Civil-War' was about! 'The Money!' The 'money' enslaved African Americans from 1619 – 1865! (A gross 'unpaid' human 'tragedy!')

Now, I am not accusing white people of 'today' with 'old racism!' I am only saying this is part of our past as a country! If we fail to realize this country indeed rests on its past, it may again revive this entire scenario of 'terror!' I am a scientist, and I know today, many blacks and whites are related 'genetically!' (Even though it may be difficult to see, face to face) The relationship is still there. Even with the 'spectrum' of 'African American' skin colors. They still relate to us all, no matter our individual complexions, as 'blacks!' In essence, 'all' the human races 'ultimately' came from a Black/Brown 'Homo erectus' type hominid from Africa! Is this a white 'mental problem?' Or do they 'not' want to 'recognize' their 'historic white promiscuity?' 'Just, look around!'

I'm not sure of the veracity of this opinion, but I've heard (over the years) that Presidents: 'John Hanson, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Jackson, Calvin Coolidge, Warren G. Harding, and Dwight D. Eisenhower' may have had a small percentage of 'Black' ancestry? 'They' say: "Any black blood found at all, and the person is 100% black!" That is not a 'scientific' fact! (But if true, would 'these' presidents 'all' have been considered 'black?') (The 'One-Drop' rule?) This rule lasted for generations! This is like 'The pot calling the kettle black?'

*Some blacks 'appear' Caucasian! And 'no one' can tell they are black without 'DNA' testing!*

But aside from that unclear scientific problem, let us 'get-along peacefully!' And continue on within our basic drives and natural developments. Sharing the excesses, we have with others. I apologize, if I've offended anyone. That was not my intention. But these 'Confederate Monuments' have seen their day! As well as has 'White Supremacy!' And 'both' should no longer exist, in 'any' form, in the "United States of America!" Stay well.

Atty. Jeffery Robinson, ACLU. 'The Truth About the Confederacy in the United States' Aug 24, 2017
Bryan Sykes, Professor of Human Genetics, Oxford University. "We Are All Black" 4/27/2012. "DNA USA" 2012

All the Best,
Henri W. Tartt,
Supervising Chemist &
Chief of Microbiology (Retired)
City of Cleveland, Ohio (USA)
Website:*Tartt's Scientific Approach*

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